英国最大的“格拉斯顿伯里音乐节”于6月24-28日举办,场内连厕所都有玄机。厕所应用了西英格兰大学(University of the West of England)科学家的新发明,将民众的尿全部变成发电工具,提供了音乐节所需的电力,包括电子展示广告牌和灯光,民众也可以用来充手机的电。之所以在在这次音乐节应用这种厕所,是为了向人们展示一个还处在初级阶段的技术将会改变难民及那些缺水电地区的人们的生活。 该项目由比尔·梅琳达基金会赞助支持研究。 “尿液发电”的原理是借助微生物燃料电池(Microbial Fuel Cells,简称MFC)内的微生物。每年格拉斯顿伯里节举行期间,卖出门票达135,000张,使用接近4,000个临时洗手间,因此可提供大量电力作为使用。西英格兰大学还与音乐会签订了5年的合作协议。

Technology |  The toilet which uses piss to generate electricity not only can help refugees but also used in a big concert

The biggest Glastonbury music festival was held during June 24 to 28 in England. There was something special with its toilet. The urinal it used is designed by researchers in University of the West of England in 2015, which makes urine generate enough electricity to light up the inside of the urinal , support e-screen and even help people charge their mobile phones. The real purpose behind taking them to Glastonbury is to showcase a technology which is in its infancy but could have the potential to change the lives of refugees and those living in countries where sanitation and electricity are off-grid. The technology in the prototype is based on microbial fuel cells (MFC) The team was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The festival can sell more than 135000 tickets and around 4000 temporary toilets are used together every year, which can offer enough electricity. UWE agreed a five-year sustainability partnership with Glastonbury Festival which will see their revolutionary technology showcased at Worthy Farm for the next five years.