我每天都会在社交媒体上收到很多不错的问题,并选出一些进行回复。有读者告诉我,他们也想看看这些问题和回复,所以我决定把它们整理起来,用全新的“每周回答”形式与大家分享, 让更多读者受益。欢迎大家继续和我讨论这些问题以及有关《原则》等话题。

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Being radically open-minded is nothing like being gullible. It means having the capacity to take in and objectively consider what is being presented and change one’s mind if the evidence is good. It is the process of hearing other points of view in order to reduce the chances of making a bad decision. Truly smart people are radically open-minded in the way I’m describing, whereas most people are not. They typically form their conclusions and stick with them filtering the information to accept that which supports their conclusions and get angry at people who present opposing views. To me that’s really stupid.

提问 2


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An exercise that you can do to build the skill of being radically open-minded is to be curious about whether you are wrong about something (e.g. something political), so that you will seek out three people who have opposing points of view and ask them to explain their reasonings and hear them well enough that you can sincerely say “I can see your point of view.” At that point you will have succeeded in “taking in” pretty well. However, your goal will be to do that until you find something that you change your mind about. That will give you the experience of having been open-minded enough to have changed your mind!!!! You then will have had that radically open-minded experience. Do that regularly so that you get in the habit of seeing both sides of issues before making your decisions. When you get in the habit of doing that, you will become comfortable doing it and uncomfortable not doing it. That’s because you will see much richer pictures of all the issues you look at, you will have stress-tested your thinking, which will raise your chances of being right, you will learn a lot and you will also have deeper relationships with people who will recognize you as reasonable and willing to hear them.

提问 3


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People often tell me that doing something that they agree they’d be better off doing is difficult, just as you are doing now. I tell them and you that what is really difficult is having a worse life than is possible because you can’t get over those difficulties, which really aren’t so difficult to get over. It’s just a matter of changing your habit so it’s no longer difficult. In fact, it becomes difficult not to do the thing that’s good for you. When you change the habit you change the feedback loop, so you enjoy the rewards and feel good about yourself for doing what’s good for you.

提问 4


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I speak sincerely and consistently to all audiences, because that integrity is best for me and for my relationships with the people I want to have relationships with (because they are the folks who appreciate my integrity even when we disagree). If you start saying different things to different people, even behind their backs, it will be bad. Of course when communicating with each person or group I take into consideration what they are like in order to do that well.

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Start by worrying that you might not be right and then observe others having ways of seeing certain things better than you.

Recognize that everyone has certain types of blind spots and try to find yours, both by yourself and by asking those who know you. Then when it comes to those things, ask for the input of those who are known to be strong where you are weak and be humble     when assessing their thinking. Think about whether someone smart would trust you or them. Based on all that evidence, when you disagree, ask yourself whether you’d be smart to bet on yourself being right or them being right, avoiding the common bias to believe that oneself is most likely to be right.

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If you’re blind in a certain way and you know you’re blind in that way, you will know to follow others’ lead. Most people don’t recognize that they’re blind in some ways, yet everyone is. Recognizing it and following those who can lead, when that’s the case, substantially improves one’s decision making and life.

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You’ve got it! The key is to be radically open-minded to take in and to consider what is said well without losing one’s objectivity and independent reasoning so that one can look at the ideas presented and the ideas one had with equal objectivity. You can do that with practice and discipline, and if you do, it will radically improve your decision making and your life.

提问 2


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Psychological assessments have shown that realism will win out over inaccurate positivity and optimism. While positivity and optimism will tend to make people more willing to try than pessimism will, what works best is practically reaching for one’s dreams with accurate assessments of one’s strengths and weaknesses and with good protections against one’s risks. I talk regularly to people who do remarkable and risky things and see that the way they accomplish them is through hyperrealism. Excessive optimism and positivity would kill them.

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