据Wikipedia介绍,国际拥抱日(National Hug Day)的想法萌生于1986年,由Kevin Zaborney和Adam Olis两人发起。圣诞节之后、情人节之前,他们选定1月21日是有鉴于此时人们容易感到空虚寂寞,因而鼓励大家多多拥抱亲人和朋友。
为什么拥抱给人带来力量? Hugging is healthy
近几年来,全球各地也创立了越来越多“自由拥抱”(Free Hugs)的组织,邀请路人互相拥抱、共同传递温暖。当然,如果互不相识,还是要先问好再拥抱。
平淡生活里 一个拥抱胜过千言万语 The power of a hug
A 25-year-old father was found wearing a bear costume at a square in Hefei, Anhui Province of east China, selling hugs to raise money for his son with leukemia. He said he wouldn’t give up on his son and that he would keep seeking help from the public.
成年礼 | 拥抱22年前福利院的保育员
Child-care worker Li Juan gave a big hug to Ji Tao the moment she recognized her. She once looked after her in a children's home in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. The last time they hugged was 22 years ago, when the one-year-old baby girl was about to be handed over to her new Dutch father.
师生 | 安徽小城执教20年 临别拥抱依依不舍
Students in east China were shedding tears and taking turns hugging their beloved English teacher, Esther Snader, before her retirement and return to the U.S. After teaching English in Anqing Normal University for almost 20 years, Esther has developed an incredibly harmonious relationship with her students.
勇敢 | 生命中不曾触碰的他,去拥抱陌生人吧
‘The Love Dome’ in the Venice neighborhood of LA sees strangers hugging it out every week. “In the moment that you are hugging another person, you no longer feel like strangers. In fact, you may feel closer to them than all the other people you know in your life who you never touch,” said Fei Wyatt, the experience’s Chief People Officer.
转自CGTN Official
文章来源: CGTN Official
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