人民之水(Water for People)成立于1991年,是一个国际非营利组织,目前已经为9个国家的400万人提供安全的水和卫生实施。其脱胎于美国水工程协会(AWWA)。该协会是一家最大的非营利科学教育协会,致力于管理和处理水。人民之水不仅提供水管、水泵、公厕等硬件设施,更注重帮助当地建立起保障供水系统和卫生服务的相关制度。他们与社区成员、政府和企业主交流,了解他们需要什么样的健康、安全和权利。然后,他们结合自下而上和自上而下的能力建设来改变整个系统,确保水和卫生服务将持续几代人。

Philanthropy | Water for People

Born out of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the largest nonprofit, scientific, and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water, Water For People was established in 1991. It is an interantional nonprofit working across 9 countries to bring safe water and sanitation to 4 million people. For Water for People, it's not just about building wells, installing toilets, and setting up pumps, but about creating long-term, sustainable change. They talk to community members, governments, and business owners to find out what they need to feel healthy, safe, and empowered. Then they build capacity from the ground up and top down, changing entire systems so we won't have to be around forever – but water and sanitation services will last for generations to come.